Mission Statement


The Birth Action Coalition believes the birth journey is an essential expression of human dignity that requires informed and empowered partnerships between women, families and health-care providers. Through projects that educate and advocate, The Birth Action Coalition will work to create supportive birth environments in our communities.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

BAC Spokesperson Editorial in the Star

"Why Are Midwives Being Targeted?"
By BAC Spokesperson Kimberly Rivers

Here is an short excerpt, and please read the full story at: http://www.vcstar.com/news/2011/apr/25/rivers-why-are-midwives-being-targeted/

Why are midwives being targeted?
Certified nurse midwives were notified that beginning Monday of this week they would be allowed back to St. John's Pleasant Valley Hospital in Camarillo following a ban that lasted over a year. Being allowed back is good for them, the women they serve and the hospital.
Unfortunately, the press as a whole continues to miss the point. Midwives are being targeted; rights of birthing women are being restricted.
The hospital continues to hide behind the claim of "patient safety" in the decision to remove certified nurse midwives (CNMs), and yet it has failed to present evidence showing that the care women receive from CNMs is less safe than care provided by the obstetricians who continued to attend births and perform cesareans at Pleasant Valley Hospital. I suggest that such evidence does not exist.

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