Mission Statement


The Birth Action Coalition believes the birth journey is an essential expression of human dignity that requires informed and empowered partnerships between women, families and health-care providers. Through projects that educate and advocate, The Birth Action Coalition will work to create supportive birth environments in our communities.

Monday, August 9, 2010

BAC Tent Helps Community Build a Playground

The BAC Board of Directors agreed to allow our wonderful tent (that is used for our Red Tent Gallery) to be used over the weekend for a community volunteer event in the community of Piru. Piru is located at the east end of the 126 freeway, just before you hit the 5. I have lived in Piru for the past seven years and was happy to be able to offer the tent for this event.

The BAC big tent was used at lunch time to keep the hot summer sun (yep Piru is getting some heat, even if Ventura is not) off of the 175 volunteers who turned out to build a playground in one day. The event was coordinated by Kaboom and funded mostly by a grant from Amgen.

Here is list of donors who contributed. A good list for BAC to be a part of. 

And there's the big tent. 

BAC would like to make the tent available to other select community events at no charge when it is not in use. Please contact a Board member for more information, 
as a Board member must "sponsor" (just coordinate) the use of the tent.

- thank you BAC!
Kimberly Rivers
Piru Resident :)

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