Mission Statement


The Birth Action Coalition believes the birth journey is an essential expression of human dignity that requires informed and empowered partnerships between women, families and health-care providers. Through projects that educate and advocate, The Birth Action Coalition will work to create supportive birth environments in our communities.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Researchers say "avoid all unncesessary interventions"

A study done in California that shows the number of maternal death rates related to birth, has tripled since the 70's. Here is a video clip from ABC news.

BAC hopes that our local hospitals and care providers discuss with birthing women the true risks of various elective interventions, including elective induction, elective cesarean and elective augmentation. This study suggests that ALL means should be used to avoid unnecessary cesareans, in order to avoid the risk of blood clots from the surgery. It is BAC's position that ALL birthing women should be given this information by their health care provider as is required under the tenets of full informed consent.

Ask your care provider about ALL risks of what they are advising.

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